We regret to announce that Kiira Triea, the original editor/webmistress of this website died in the fall of 2012. The authors of this website will all miss her. You may wish to read Alice Dreger's and Kay Brown's obituaries
Our email address has been changed. Readers may now write to us at formertranskid@gmail.com - the links at the bottom of
our pages will be updated as time allows. We welcome polite email from anyone: both types of transsexuals of any age, teachers, writers, academics, parents of transkids, etc. We ask that correspondance be polite and suggest that those who disagree with our position be prepared to logically support their assertions.
Kay Brown's (aka: Cloudy) sister site On the Science of Changing Sex presents blog format essays primarily analyzing and critiqueing the scientific work being done on transsexuality. Kay's focus is on statistical and methodological analyses and is intended to balance the sociological and psychological approach of the transkids.us website.
Subject index is here.
Extensive annotated bibliography with over 50 citations of research papers referencing Autogynephilia and homosexual transsexuality
FAQ: Questions about Homosexual and Nonhomosexual Transsexuality
Links with our comments
About Transkids.us
New Content
- The Invisible TranssexualNew Transkids.us author Cloudy's essay on
the origins of transkid invisibility
- Link to essay on Kiira Triea.Her PRU history intersex activism by Alice Dreger
- New section to the bibliography has been addedIt will contain papers which focus on
the social, historical and political aspects of transsexuality
A new issue of Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Johns Hopkins
University Press) addressing Sex, Gender, and Gender
Diversity has recently been edited by Dr. Alice
Dreger and Dr. Paul Vasey. Contributers include Alice Dreger
and Paul Vasey, Paul Vasey and Nancy Bartlett, C.Jacob Hale, Anne
Lawrence, Michael Bailey and Kiira Triea, Elizabeth Reis and Richard
Wasserburg and Thomas Johnson.
- The
Controversy Surrounding The Man Who Would Be Queen: A Case History
of the Politics of Science, Identity, and Sex in the Internet Age
Intersex activist and historian Dr. Alice Dreger's history and
analysis of
the events subsequent to the publishing of Dr. Michael Bailey's
book The Man Who Would Be Queen.
To be published in
Archives of Sexual Behavior
- New Faq Question added: a reply to Dr. Sam Winter
- New links to
commentary on Andrea James, intimidation and speaking out by Dr. Alice Dreger
- Michael
Bailey replies to some AGP transsexuals' criticisms
- Annotated Bibliography of Autogynephilia and HSTS Alex Parkinson
- New faq questions added
- Transsexuals react to Transkids.us